Kid at SCA Elementary Campus
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Learn about our amazing program below.

We are a school founded on the principles of pursuing Christ and pursuing excellence in education. We believe that God has given your children to you, and we want to come alongside you and your local church to help you. We believe in the importance and value of teaching God’s Word and principles to our students.


Our Elementary Campus is located at 595 Lagimodiere Blvd; with 20 classrooms, a commercial kitchen, a library, computer lab, portable iPad and Chrome labs, two full sized gymnasiums and plenty of green space.

Springs Christian Academy (SCA) Building


Elementary Campus
595 Lagimodiere Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB R2J 3X2


Phone (204) 235-0863

8:30 am to 4:00 pm

8:50 am to 3:35 pm

Before and After School available.

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Kid at SCA Elementary Campus
SCA Girl carrying Christmas Tree Drawing
SCA Media Volunteer
Boy cutting paper with a scissor - SCA
ELEM - Student Working
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At SCA we believe that God should be part of our daily life. We teach daily Bible classes as well as integrating God’s Word into all subject areas. We teach our students to practice Christ-like character to become wise and productive citizens, active for Christ in the real world in a Spirit Contemporary way. We have house teams and reading buddies to encourage leadership and team building.

Every Thursday, Kindergarten to Grade 5 students participate in Chapel, each Grade helping facilitate a minimum of 1 chapel during the school year, including leading praise and worship during chapels.

Starting in Preschool and all the way through to Grade 12, our students spend time memorizing scripture verses. We believe in the importance of memorizing and understanding God’s Word, imprinting his Word on our hearts. We are purposing to create leaders by having our Grade 2-5 students take turns daily reading scripture and praying over the intercom.

We ask our students to volunteer with the school, starting in Grade 3. We want to teach them the importance and joy found in giving back.

All of our students go on a ministry field trip, whether it’s singing at malls or retirement homes, cleaning up in the community, or helping out at Springs Inner city. In order to teach the importance of a Christ-like world community, we fundraise and support 8 sponsor children through the Watoto organization in Africa, as well as participate in annual Toy and Food Drives for our Springs Church Inner City families. Click on this link to learn more about SCA’s community outreach.

Bible Class + Biblical Integration at SCA
SCA Providing Academic Excellence

I can’t say enough amazing things about our school! The kids love it, and so do I. I find that the weekends and evenings aren’t long enough to teach my kids everything I want them to know, so it’s such an incredible feeling to know that SCA is also teaching my kids so many valuable lessons. It’s not about the math, the reading and the writing (which is phenomenal), but the Biblical teaching as well as is what’s most important. Having teachers that pray with my kids when they bump their knee, show them how much they are loved by God, helping them memorize verses that they’ll take with them for life, and so much more more. Our daughter is only 5 and she constantly corrects me about my Bible knowledge already lol. I can’t wait to see how far she’ll go, and the amazing leader and world changer she’ll be for God. If you don’t already send your kids to SCA, please check out the online info nights!

~ Megan, SCA Parent


We offer a holistic approach to education, incorporating hands-on experiences, real-world applications, and interdisciplinary projects. This enhances the students’ understanding of the subjects while helping them develop problem-solving skills and a lifelong passion for learning.

SCA supports student educational programs


SCA offers numerous opportunities for creative development and growth. Students are taught art classes and introduced to music. In our music program, students learn to read and play music, and worship music is integrated into the classroom through singing and playing instruments.

Our performances include Grandparent’s Day in the fall, Christmas production in December, and our Awards ceremony at the end of the school year. There is an optional lunch hour choir for Grades 3-5, as well as private piano and guitar lessons at both campuses. If you are interested, please contact the school office.

*All performances currently on hold due to government regulations.


The Daily 5 literacy program used throughout the Early Years, allows students to choose one of 5 centers, and become engaged in self-directed activities, as the teacher conferences with individual students. We also use the Learning Without Tears program to teach the letter and numbers in a multisensory way.

The Words Their Way ® program, flowing throughout our Elementary campus, allows students to find patterns and meaning in words that coincide with their individual spelling understanding, and to promote sequential development of spelling skills.

Starting in Grade 4, the students learn to write for many audiences, and some of their works have even been chosen to be published by the Young Writers of Canada!


SCA students’ results in french speaking, writing and listening skills are exceptional! They are taught French from PS to Grade 12 and we challenge our students not just to write answers to questions, but to write stories. We use a very effective AIM program that teaches core essential vocabulary for communicating early. Students speak with the teacher as the teacher gestures, so as to maximize language usage during each class. Students also memorize a monthly Scripture verse in French.

Throughout the year, students gain experience and appreciation for Canadian French culture and language. SCA’s Elementary French department facilitates an annual in-house Festival du Voyageur for Preschool to Grade 5, with help from Middle & High School French class students. This amazing event runs the whole day, and involves many activities like bannock and taffy making, leg wrestling, pea soup and storytelling, crafts, snowshoeing, skating, tobogganing and more!


In the Early Years, our students use centres, giving children the opportunity to play and develop skills in different areas; building, creating, imagining, strategizing, and cooperating. The students are given different ways to learn math and demonstrate their learning through pencil to paper tasks, incorporating math into a game, using different manipulatives.

In Grade 4, they incorporate Fishertechnik, a hands-on approach to practice design and problem solving abilities during our school wide Science month. Jump Math is used in grades 4-5, a program in which new ideas are taught by scaffolding of concepts in incremental steps.

We incorporate design technology with hands-on projects, and participation in Science Processes, offering enrichment for all ages. Opportunities are also given for extended learning.

Strong academic foundations in Elementary, lead to the culmination of academic excellence. Our Grade 12 students consistently score higher than the provincial average for provincial standards exams. We’re preparing students for their present, future and eternity!


Our Student Services department is exceptional. Remediation and enrichment are top priorities. Our Student Services teachers and Educational Assistants (EAs) support the specific student educational programs at SCA. Our school has access to selected clinicians through a shared service agreement with the Louis Riel School Division. Reading, Language and Math Groups, Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s), Success Plans, classroom adaptations, Occupational Therapy plans, Social Thinking programs, etc. are implemented as required. As SCA is an independent school, SCA must know in advance every potential or probable need required of our Student Services department; SCA may be limited to support specific requirements a student may have.

Remediation and enrichment are priorities of the Student Services Department.

Blog Circle - Girl taking Photograph


SCA believes technology is a vital skill for all students. Teachers implement the Literacy with ICT (information and communication technology) initiative from the Department of Education, where technology is infused into regular classroom instruction.

Our computer lab allows each student to work at a computer station, as well as portable iPad and chrome labs, able to accommodate an entire classroom each. Students hone their math, language, research and “Office” skills, while Grades 4 to 6 students also become proficient in keyboarding skills.

Students in Grade 3-6 use Google Classroom to further assist in their learning and tracking of assignments.  Additional technology is further incorporated into many of their subjects.

Students in Grade 6 become familiar with computers and are well prepared for the incorporation of technology into the classroom during their upcoming years of their education. The students work both collaboratively and individually on various projects that involve graphic design, coding, and both audio and video editing. Our students enjoy learning through google suite, coding and math games.

Media Safety Training is incorporated into the program, where educating our students in ethical and safe practices with technology and social media is our priority.


Head to our “Our Teams” page to learn more about our Staff and hear what they have to say about teaching here at SCA!

Happy Kid at SCA Elementary Campus

Our students are taught to influence their communities with integrity and high standards and are set up for success beyond SCA.

- 39 years of education, a strong foundation

- Christ-centered education

- Incorporated prayer throughout the school day

- Manitoba curriculum with biblical infusion

- Teachers who are great role models and teach God’s Word

- Comprehensive Student Services, providing a supportive environment for students with additional needs

- Thriving creative arts, athletic and media programs

- Preschool for ages 3 – 5

Kids doing Art in Springs Christian Academy

At SCA, we are dedicated to providing a quality Christ-centred education with a strong academic focus for Preschool and all the way through to Grade 12.

SCA Alumni Throwing Graduation Caps


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